David Franco
David Franco

Director of Strategy


Bounce rate has finally met its demise. This once-essential website metric has been laid to rest in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). For over a decade, bounce rate reigned as the key indicator for evaluating page and content performance. But its limitations were many.

Good riddance? Actually, bounce rate's retirement signals a fresh opportunity for chemical brands. Its successor, engaged sessions, provides unprecedented visibility into visitor experiences on your website.

This new KPI enables more accurate analysis of true user engagement. Now chemical companies can optimize pages to provide value that better educates and compels target buyers.

Join us as we explore bounce rate's shortcomings, why its death opens new potential, and how to embrace engaged sessions for insights that drive website success. The time has come to move analytics forward and help your chemical website thrive in the GA4 era.

The Engaged Sessions Advantage

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) replaces bounce rate with a more insightful metric: engaged sessions. This measures sessions where a visitor:

  • Clicks through to other pages on your site
  • Spends over 10 seconds viewing a page
  • Interacts via scrolling, playing videos, clicking buttons, etc.

For chemical companies, engaged sessions paint a much more accurate picture of true user engagement and content effectiveness. More engaged sessions indicate your pages compel attention and interest among target buyers.

Specifically, the engaged sessions KPI enables chemical marketers to:

  • Identify high-performing pages that attract and engage visitors
  • Pinpoint underperforming pages needing optimization
  • Benchmark performance against competitors
  • Set goals for improving page design, content, speed, etc.
  • Determine the value of blog posts, case studies, and other content

This powerful metric empowers more data-driven decisions to refine the website experience and performance for your chemical company.

Factors Impacting Engaged Sessions

While the bounce rate metric was primarily affected by exits and links, the new engaged sessions KPI in GA4 is influenced by multiple elements of the user experience:

  • Page speed: Slow load times lead visitors to abandon a page before fully engaging with the content. Optimizing website speed through techniques like image compression, minified code, and caching is crucial.
  • Design: An intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly page layout encourages interaction and exploration. Simpler, cleaner designs tend to perform better.
  • Content: Compelling, informative copy along with relevant, high-quality images, charts, videos and other visual media keep visitors engaged with the page rather than quickly leaving.
  • Navigation: Easy access to logically organized site menus and contextual links between related pages allows visitors to seamlessly dive deeper into content topics that interest them.
  • Keywords: Targeting keywords and search terms closely aligned with buyer intent helps attract qualified traffic more likely to find the content valuable and engage with it.
  • CTAs: Prominent, well-designed calls-to-action guide visitors to convert or take desired next steps like downloading assets, contacting sales, etc. Match CTAs closely to page intent.
  • Technical issues: Broken links, crashes, errors, slow performance and other technical problems severely disrupt user engagement. Identifying and fixing these issues is key.

By thoroughly evaluating and iteratively improving all of the key elements above that influence engaged sessions, chemical companies can drive significant increases in this new GA4 metric.

Optimizing Chemical Website Content

Creating content that engages and educates chemical buyers is essential for building valuable websites that convert visitors. Here are proven ways to optimize pages for higher engaged sessions:

  • Conduct keyword research: Identify high-value search terms and long-tail keyword variations buyers are using during their journey and align page content accordingly. This helps attract qualified visitors.
  • Add related links: Generously link to related resources both on your site as well as externally to encourage visitors to keep exploring and spending more time engaging with helpful information.
  • Format for skimmability: Break up dense text with descriptive headers, short paragraphs, bulleted lists, bolding, and other formatting tactics to enhance skim-readability.
  • Embed relevant visuals: Insert images, charts, graphs, videos, and other visual elements that supplement and enhance the text content, improving engagement.
  • Solve buyer challenges: Ensure content directly provides solutions, answers, insights and value related to the questions, pain points, and goals of your target chemical buyers.
  • Monitor metrics: Continuously monitor engaged session metrics in GA4 for each page to quickly identify content successes and areas needing additional refinement and optimization.
  • Update regularly: Revisit evergreen content on a regular cadence to update information, add fresh visuals, and provide new value to returning visitors.

While it takes effort and iteration guided by data, optimizing content pays dividends in the form of lower bounce rates, higher engaged sessions, and ultimately more conversions.

Technical Optimization to Boost Engaged Sessions

In addition to the content itself, optimizing various technical elements of chemical websites can also help boost engaged sessions:

  • Enhance page speed: Improving overall site speed through methods like image optimization, caching, code minification and content delivery networks dramatically enhances user experience by accelerating load times.
  • Simplify navigation: Ensure site menus, page links, and internal architecture allow seamless access across the site. Eliminate excessive clicking and menu hunting that causes frustration.
  • Highlight CTAs: Use click tracking and heat mapping data to determine where users look on pages and place/format critical CTAs prominently in those high-visibility areas.
  • Fix technical issues: Identify and swiftly resolve any broken links, crashes, errors, or functionality defects through comprehensive testing and monitoring. Catch problems proactively.
  • Monitor performance: Use tools like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest and Pingdom to continuously diagnose opportunities to improve technical performance.
  • Go mobile-friendly: Implement a seamless, user-friendly mobile experience through responsive web design optimized for any device. With increasing mobile usage, this is critical.

By tackling website technical optimization and creating seamless user experiences, chemical companies can reduce bounce rates and sustain high engaged sessions across their sites.

Tracking Engaged Sessions in GA4

One major advantage of the engaged sessions metric is its automatic calculation within GA4 reports, streamlining analysis:

  • Easily navigate to the “Engagement” section of your website’s GA4 report to view key metrics like Engaged Sessions, Average Session Duration, and Bounce Rate.
  • The Engaged Sessions graph shows high-level trends over time, allowing you to quickly correlate engaged sessions with major site changes, campaigns, seasonality, and other events.
  • The Pages report displays engaged sessions for each specific page URL to surface your highest and lowest performing pages based on actual visitor behavior.
  • Apply segments to filter engaged sessions data by source traffic, geographic location, device type, and other attributes. These insights guide optimization decisions.
  • Leverage the Audience reports in GA4 to analyze engaged sessions by user demographic data. Identify who your content resonates with.
  • Set up alerts for key metrics like drops in engaged sessions to be promptly notified of changes needing investigation.

With engaged sessions data automatically populated in GA4, chemical brands have an invaluable window into website content effectiveness and user engagement.

The Path Forward from Bounce Rate

The retirement of bounce rate signals an opportunity for chemical companies to align website analysis around engagement over simple exits. Leveraging the engaged sessions and associated metrics in GA4 provides more actionable, granular insights to create compelling user experiences. Some best practices include:

  • Set goals around engaged sessions and track progress in GA4 to guide optimization.
  • Focus on enhancing page speed, navigation, mobile experience, content quality, and other factors influencing engagement.
  • Continuously monitor engaged session trends to determine what content and pages resonate most with chemical website visitors.
  • Keeping visitors actively engaged leads to lower bounce rates and more conversions over time.

To accelerate results from this shift, leverage HEXNET’s expertise. Our technical SEO audits identify optimization opportunities. Our custom website enhancements help maximize engaged sessions, lower bounce rates, and boost conversions.

See firsthand how HEXNET drives results for chemical brands. Request a strategy session to get started on website optimization for higher engaged sessions and more valuable user experiences.

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